Become a Foster Carer
ARCH does not have shelter facilities or kennels. We therefore rely solely on a network of foster carers who open their homes to provide a safe and nurturing environment to rescue animals until their forever homes can be found.
Foster carers are integral in helping us save as many animals as we do, so we are always seeking interested individuals and families who would like to become foster carers
Fostering through ARCH
It takes a very special person and family to foster a pet. Someone with a big heart and that is open to loving and caring for a pet, all while knowing that one day they will have to give it up and say goodbye when they send them off to a loving forever home. Foster carers are so important as it gives these rescue pets a chance to live and thrive in a normal family environment. They are able to become accustomed ‘normal’ daily life without the stress of a shelter environment. It also gives ARCH an opportunity to assess pets, their behaviour and needs in a home environment to determine exactly what they need in a perfect ‘forever home’. They get to interact with all types of people and other animals.
Foster carers are generally provided everything they need to care for the rescue animals including good quality food, toys, beds and anything else they require, through the generous donations of the public. All foster carers are asked to do is walk them, play with them, provide training and socialisation and most importantly, love them.
There is an application process to become an ARCH foster carer. Carers can indicate whether they would like to foster cats or dogs or both. The application form is linked at the bottom of this page, and once completed the team at ARCH will assess and be in contact. Dog carers will need to have a secure and well fenced yard. Cat carers need to ensure cats and kittens can remain inside. Carers own animals must be up to date with all veterinary work (desexed, vaccinated) and of course be friendly with other animals. ARCH are always on the lookout for all types of carers. So whether you are interested in fostering dogs, adult cats, kittens, puppies or even willing to take mums with kittens or puppies and even neonate orphans that initially require frequent bottle feeding please apply today! Whilst in foster care ARCH organises and pays for all veterinary work including flea, tick and worming treatments. Carers are supported through the entire process by an ARCH Foster Carer Coordinator.